Sunday, May 28, 2006

My night at the Radisson

I have only learned to read the music spread sheet last November...Thanks to my much loved friends from Phillipines, Uganda and Kenya. I always wanted to learn 4-5 parts music which I first experienced in Rabindra Shongit. But being in Bangladesh and being very busy with my study and the Subcontinental art forms ( classical music, Rabindra Shongit, Classical dance like Katthak and Varat Nattam, sports etc etc) I just could not make the time or effort.

Just to realise that I went from "what is Alto?" to singing Handel and Thomas Morley at a concert in one of the most prestigious Hotels in Dhaka- I can't help being proud. the picture is taken by my cousin, who of all things, does not know how to keep still. (sigh)

Major blooper- I did not invite my Country director but she went and saw me singing. God! Help!

1 comment:

The eternal optimist said...

not fair dear! I sing after office hours and doing extra work! Hmmph.